Colop pocket stamp 20 plus - 14 mm x 38 mm - 4 lignes - blanc

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Délais d'expédition: 24/48 heures
Prix professionnel 1390  HT (1668  TTC)
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Colop pocket stamp 20 plus - 14 mm x 38 mm - 4 lignes - blanc



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Colop pocket stamp 20 plus - 14 mm x 38 mm - 4 lines - white

The modern stamp for your travels!

At the office, on the go, on a key ring or around your neck, this portable stamp follows you everywhere.
Open - Stamp - Close, all with one hand, one piece (no cap)






• Open – stamp – close, all with just one hand!
• The technically excellent special feature is the fully automatic push mechanism. When you first hold the stamp, you will immediately notice that it can be opened, affixed and closed very easily, without using both hands.

There is no longer any need to remove a cap – simply open and stamp with one hand. As the stamp is designed in one piece, it is now impossible to lose any element. The one-handed operation offers a clean solution and guarantees perfect printing with ease.

The ergonomics of the stamp were also a priority – the new Pocket Stamp PLUS fits perfectly in the hand from the very first use.

In addition to improving functionality, the design has also been adapted to new standards. The new “travel stamp” impresses with its minimalist, simple, yet modern and clear look.

 Easy inkwell change

use Colop pocket stamp 20 plus - 14 mm x 38 mm - 4 lines - white



Footprint size

14mm x 38mm

4-line impression Colop pocket stamp 20 plus - 14 mm x 38 mm - 4 lines - white
Number of recommended lines 4
Inkwell E/PSP20


Nbre de lignes:
4 lignes
Délais d'expédition:
24/48 heures


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